Experience Niseko Snow Report: 10th December 2016

Experience Niseko's very own Niseko snow report featuring Snowy The Snowman.

Dec 10 2016 15C 2

15cm new snow!

15 cm fresh snow at 8:30am at our Experience Niseko snow station! The snow pack is gradually improving with this consistent amount of snowfall. It won't be long before the whole mountain opens for everyone to enjoy. The best places to go will be the new quad lift, and its also advised to go on a little adventure to Hanazono. Snowy measured -8 degrees Celsius, so make sure to dress warm as it can get quite cold up the mountain!

Dec 10 2016 15C

-8 degrees Celsius

Dec 10 2016 15C 4

Snowed in cars are very common in Niseko

Dec 10 2016 15C 3

15cm fresh snow